« My Fulbright year stands out as one of the most satisfying in my life. »

Nicole Rudolph, US Advanced Student, 2000-2001 Laboratoire de Sciences Sociales, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris My Fulbright year stands out as one of the most satisfying in my life. From in-depth research at the Centre des Archives Contemporaines that led to my book, to workshops with colleagues like Jennifer Tsien, Michael Bosia, Brian Newsome, Amelia Lyons,… Lire la suite « My Fulbright year stands out as one of the most satisfying in my life. »

[My Fulbright stay] had a very strong impact on my career and my intellectual growth for which I am very grateful. »

Harlan Koff, US Professor of Social Sciences, University of Luxembourg Researcher, Nord pas de Calais Regional Program, 2004 Centre lillois d’études et de recherches sociologiques et économiques (CLERSE), Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Lille 1 « Examining the Unintended Consequences of the Economic Transformation of Nord Pas de Calais » My Fulbright-sponsored stay (2005) at Clerse,… Lire la suite [My Fulbright stay] had a very strong impact on my career and my intellectual growth for which I am very grateful. »

« I felt fortunate to be surrounded by such a supportive and caring community during my exchange. »

Elizabeth Meyer, US Exchange Teacher, 2001 College des Douits Associate Dean and Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder School of Education I lived in Caen, France in the fall of 2001 and taught English in a middle school in the village of Falaise. Following the 9/11 attacks, I was overwhelmed by the deep appreciation the… Lire la suite « I felt fortunate to be surrounded by such a supportive and caring community during my exchange. »

« ‘Que sais-je?’ still seems to me today an appropriate attitude toward the world, one which I have tried in my little way to exemplify in my own writing and work. »

Alexander Riley, US Researcher, 2013-2014 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) « Renegade Durkheimianism in the Second Generation: The Cultural Sociological Poésie of Michel Leiris and Roger Caillois » I’ll start with a little background.  I study the origins of the French social sciences by reading texts as intertwined with existential dilemmas of the author… Lire la suite « ‘Que sais-je?’ still seems to me today an appropriate attitude toward the world, one which I have tried in my little way to exemplify in my own writing and work. »

« The Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair has had a valuable, indelible effect on my world view. »

Lorenzo Morris, Ph.D. , US Professor of Political Science, Howard University Fulbright-Tocqueville US Distinguished Chair, 2008 Université Paris VIII Vincennes – Saint-Denis « National Identity, Race and Ethnicity in the European Union: A Focus on France » For many Americans and many around the world, January 2009 was marked by the historic inauguration of President Barack Obama… Lire la suite « The Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair has had a valuable, indelible effect on my world view. »

« It is not an exaggeration to say that my career is completely different than it would have been had I not had a Fulbright »

Ruth Hufbauer, US Researcher, 2008-2009 Agricultural College at Colorado State University – Institut National de la recherche Agronomique Fulbright en famille Or Le doudou perdu   I was a senior Fulbright fellow 2009-2010, on leave from the Agricultural College at Colorado State University. I was hosted by the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)… Lire la suite « It is not an exaggeration to say that my career is completely different than it would have been had I not had a Fulbright »